Share your content across multiple websites

In a beautiful and eye-catching Beacon and increase user engagement

Try it now!

Make websites more engaging

Users often leave websites in 10 seconds. With Beacon, you can target users by showing more useful content that can catch user's attention and keep them on the page.

Rich set of Modules

Modules allow you to present different types of content. These include buttons, images, lists and more. Every module provides a range of options that can be modified to meet your needs.

Edit once, changes everywhere

When you make changes to your Beacon through the dashboard, all sites using it would automatically update to show new content. This allows you to share content across multiple websites.
Edit once

Customize it

Beacon can be customized easily to match your brand’s color. With a range of options, you can customize the look and feel of your beacon window to make it look the way you want it.
The Beacon magic!
Easy editor
Easy editor
Edit your content and design using a powerful and real-time editor which is super easy to use!
Connect social profiles
Connect Socially
Allow your visitors to connect to you directly through various social media platforms.
Simple embed of Beacon window
Simple embed
With just two lines of code, you can add a beacon window to your website. Use the dashboard to update it anytime.
Social Sharing of posts
Social sharing
Beacon allows your visitors to share your posts on various platforms. Embed it once, and let it do its magic!
Good SDK
Good SDK
SDK allows you to integrate beacon with your website. Check the docs to explore hidden features!
Free to use
Free to use
Beacon is made free so that everyone can use it. Its main goal is to allow users to share their content.

Start using Beacon for free

With a complete toolkit to bring your content to your visitors